SQL Account Highlight Features
There's nothing better than a great software and useful features
📚 General Ledger

Customizable date range comparison to view your financial report in eg. 24 months or more. Flexible calendar year vs financial year reporting. SQL Account also support multiple projects comparison.
Create unlimited sub accounts and financial reports. View it in a summarize format or by sub account details.
All our reports are built in with a smart drill down feature. Double click any figure in your financial reports and you will able to see the detail of the source document.
Use SQL consolidation account to evaluate group companies financial performance without any hassle.
SQL Account provide a comprehensive range of financial reports such as G/L Document Listing, Journal of Transaction Listing, Transaction Summary Listing, Ledger Report, Trial Balance, Receipt and Payment report, Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet Statement.
💎 Customer

Key in bulk invoices using fast entry listing screen or import data directly form Excel document. Speedy invoice generation with just 1 click.
A useful feature recommended by Tax Accountants. SSM Power Search open the path for fast, real time connection to SSM Malaysia. This comes in handy when you need to search for a company’s registration number in your bill payments to ensure Tax Compliance.
Has your customer been holding an outstanding amount for an extended period of time? To prevent this, you can set not only credit limits in SQL system, but also an OVERDUE limit. With this, you can prevent creations of delivery orders & invoices for an overdue customer.
The fastest way to view your customer full activity as simple as double click.
SQL Account is the only accounting software in Malaysia that integrated with real time CTOS financial data. It provides SQL Account users a financial standing overview of their customers and suppliers. Helping users make better business risk assessment.
Customer module has a wide range of reports such as Customer Document Listing, Customer Balance Report, Due Document Listing, Aging Report, Customer Statement, Customer Post Dated Cheque Listing, Customer Analysis by Document, and Customer Sales and Collection Analysis. Each of these reports have been proved to work well with multi-currency.
💼 Supplier

Create multiple bank accounts for each supplier if necessary. You can select the bank of your choice for each payment that you make and generate e-banking giro integration.
Our supplier module contains an array of features like: fast entry for multiple invoices, flexible aging formula setting, advance credit limit & credit control, auto knock off invoice after payment, post-date cheque and bounced cheque management and many more!
We provide a wide range of reports that are detailed and user-friendly at the same time. The supplier module comes with: Supplier Document Listing, Supplier Balance Report, Due Document Listing, Aging Report, Supplier Statement, Supplier Post Dated Cheque Listing, Supplier Analysis by Document and Supplier Sales and Collection Analysis. Each of these reports have been proved to work well with multi-currency.
📤 Sales & 📥 Purchase

Get the best estimation of profit before you send out your quotations! The profit estimator works by accessing the actual cost of the item. But you can also enter your desired profit amount or profit margin and we can compute what your selling price should be!
The Multiple Pricing feature let you set separate sales price for dealers and end-users in the easiest way possible. Our latest AI selling price assignment supports bulk qty pricing, priority following quotation and also allows you to set pricing with limited time validity.
Are you still manually sending customer statements? With SQL Account batch email feature, you can automatically send out all statement of account to respective customers in just a few clicks. You can also set a password encryption for the documents sent.
SQL Account’s report designs come with flexible grouping and filtering function. You can view the top/bottom 20 products , customer, agent and more using the evolutionary flexible Mix & Match SQL reporting with complete drill down to individual source functions.
With SQL sales order to purchase order module, you can simply manage your customer order and transfer to place the order with your supplier just in 1 click.
Our sales module comes with a plethora of sales reports such as Sales Document Listing, Outstanding Sales Document Listing, Sales Picking List, Customer Price History, Profit and Loss by Document, Sales Analysis by Document and Yearly Sales Analysis.
📦 Stock

SQL stock costing with FIFO, weighted average, you can even backdate transactions and our system will automatically calculate the costing.
SQL has a smart automated stock reorder advice function. With this, you can generate a purchase order just by using a drag and drop function.
Track your inventory beyond the warehouse/location. Perform stock transfers between inter-branch, consignment, van sales and more.
Set your stock item with multiple units of measurement such as unit, box, carton! You can simple preset different UOM for the product that you purchased and sold. For eg. You purchased a product in carton but sell it in unit.
Create your barcode and raise you invoice by scanning a barcode during your sales transaction, you can even print barcode sticker from SQL!
The stock module comes with Stock Document Listing, Stock Reorder Advice, Stock Physical Worksheet, Stock Card, Stock Month End Balance, Stock Aging and Stock Analysis by Document.
⚙️ Production

Simply insert the raw materials formulation for the finished goods and let the system calculate the finished goods costing included wastage and overhead cost, so you will never sell under cost.
With SQL Job Order module you can simply monitor and estimate your customer ordered goods status and keep you customer update about the status of their order.
Planing isn’t that easy, but SQL Bill of Material Planner let you executes material requirement planning with high precision & speed.
SQL Item Assembly/Disassembly simplified the process for user to manage the finished goods after production team had completed the job. Also you can simply disassembly the finished goods so your raw meterial volume will be readjust by system.
The production module comes with Job Order Listing, Pending Producting Document Listing, B.O.M. Relation Report, B.O.M. Listing, Material Usage Report, B.O.M. Planner and Wastage Report.
💲 Sales Service Tax / GST (Singapore)

SQL Account will automatically set sales and service tax in your invoice so that you never have to worry about forgetting to include tax in your invoice.
Need an estimate figure for your sales tax/service tax? Process SST-02 and check the estimation. You can make changes in this draft if you need to.
Completed SST report compliant to Royal Malaysia Custom Department. All sales, purchase, exported sales, exemption for sales and purchase will be populated by the system.
SST-02 report, SST Listing, advance filtering for SST listing and pivot table function for SST Listing.